Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Clinical

A very dramatic 2 months has passed since I last wrote anything on this blog. Before anything else, here's the big update:

The Clinical -- Shortly after New Year's celebration, I managed to throw out my back because of my poor sitting position. All my fault. Prolonged slouching in front of a computer is NEVER recommended for anyone to try. Physical therapy sessions have done a world of good and I'm now good as new. Lesson learned: Be careful of your posture. I cannot stress that enough.

The Bad -- Avoiding the computer means being unable to churn out my once-a-week habit of creating a blog entry.

The Good -- I have recently started my internship in a fabulous magazine publishing company. My dreams of being like Ugly Betty (as in, working for a magazine) are finally coming true.

That's all I can say for now. But I will get free time soon. :)

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